When I transferred here to Manila, I decided I wouldnt buy a shoe rack, instead opting for those clear plastic shoe boxes they're selling over at Multiply. I think it is useless to do so when I will just be going back to Cebu by the end of this year and dont want the hassle of either leaving a beautiful shoe rack or shipping it back home. It was Casey who wanted to buy one and would ship it back to Cebu, after we saw a gorgeus dark wood shoe storage over at SM.

"The Shoe Wheel is an ingeniuosly designed mobile storage unit with 20
expandable pockets that can hold up to 30 pairs of shoes depending on the
type. Shoes are inserted to the pockets through elastic bands, which secure
them snugly into place. The pockets are easily adjustable to fit a variety
of shoes - sneakers, stilletos and flats. Just rotate the sjoe wheel to make
a selection."

"The Shoe Pod is putting large footed men in the comfort zone, accomodating
sizes up to 14-plus.A mobile storage unit with 12 expandable pockets that can hold up to 18
pairs of shoes, depending on the type - the Shoe Pod is simple to use. Shoes are
placed into pockets, which are kept firmly in place by elastic bands and are
easily adjustable to fit a variety of shoes from sneakers and loafers to high

"The Rakkiddo, designed especially for young folks, is making lost
children's shoes a thing of the past.A mini version of the shoe wheel, the Rakkiddo features 15 expandable
pockets that can store up to 20 pairs of children's shoes depending on the type
and size of the shoe."
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