For quite some time now I've been looking for a good, not too expensive (save me the P1000+ masks), clay facial mask that deep cleans and is good for oily skin. I had always remembered the Andrea Beauty Grape Clay Mask which sold for like P300 before at Beauty Bar which they dont now. As me and my friend were exiting Shang mall, we passed by Lush again, which we did everyday. I wasnt so tired from class so I decided to stop by and check outwhat they had there. The shopaholic in me has always wanted to buy just one product from that brand but I havent found one that I could use, that is, until I discovered this mask.
Forget the exfoliating part, I was sold when I read in the package that it deep cleaned! Price? Less than P400. One last thing was checking the consistency, and it definitely passed the physical test... it's consistency was like clay, and it's green, to boot. Perfect!"Deep cleans breakout-prone skin with a luscious vanilla-mint scent.
Tired of harsh cleansers? Throw away your old scrubs and masks and get ready to reveal glowing skin with Mask of Magnamity. Slather on this gentle, exfoliating cleanser and mask and feel uplifted by its soothing vanilla-mint fragrance. Wash off and emerge refreshed and ready to tackle any project, or better yet, the world."
When I got back to the condo tonight, I tried it on right away, as I know my skin needed this so badly. Waited for it to dry and then rinsed it off. (Take note: Don't let the beads go down the sink as they may cause a clog since they're pretty big. Instead, rinse using a basin of water. When you're done, drain water then throw the beads in the trash can. :))
My skin right now feels clean... and soft! It didnt dry my skin which is pretty good. It also wasnt too hard rinsing it off my face, as compared to the almost the same product from Avon. The best part is just that it reallyfeels like my skin is clean... from the surface to deep down my epidermis. I feel like I truly found a wonder product tonight (which I blogged about right away ;)) and I know I will definitely buy this again... even if I have to have it shipped to Cebu!
See review from Lush's site:

*FYI: This product only has a short shelf life of a couple of months. The one I bought tonight actually expiresone month from now. I went back to ask for newer stock but the saleslady told me they were all the same everywhere.The ingredients are fresh and all organic, so no preservatives are added, which leads to the short shelf life.
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