Have you heard of Graffinis yet? I just only heard, or 'saw' it today.
Graffinis are bikinis whose prints are from New York grafittis hence, "Graffinis". Cool name huh?
Accdg to their site:
"Graffinis Swimwear began as an idea to combine the urban experience of New York with the style and comfort of modern swimwear. We use photographic imagery taken from the streets of NYC and engineer them directly into the cut of each suit. Our subject matter ranges from the graffitied walls of Chinatown and Soho, to everyday objects like street signs, ATMs and everything else that inspires.
That's Graffinis. That's our style. Rock on."
I may be so dainty and girly but I do also have an edgier side in me. There are times when I want to dress punky, or more street so this is a major cool find and I plan to order at least one (they're all so great) in the future.
I just checked out their website now and boy do they scream "You gotta have one!"
First off, they let you choose the type of swimsuit you want, from Brazilian String to a One Piece Halter.

Crosby Street

If you know me, then you'll know I'll be going for the Crosby & Broome St. all the way.
To get ahold of these lovely babies, head on over to www.graffinis.com
Take note that these are $150 a set. :)
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