I was a few minutes late because I didn’t know where to find the salon inside the mall. I thought it would be relatively easy but I didn’t know there was more than one bldg. In SM North Edsa. I had made an appointment beforehand so as not to waste my time and money going there and be told that they’re fully booked. I had read a review that Jacky was there and he was great.
I asked the receptionist if they had a package for perm and she told me about the P5,000 one. As I knew that they also had the P3,000 package, I asked for it. No need to spend more than whats needed. As Im sitting on the waiting chairs I noticed that they greet everyone who comes in.
Its now 2pm (my appt was set at 1:30pm) and I still haven’t been attended to yet. I am well aware of their “pseudo-policy” of attending first to those who get the more expensive treatments, as it was posted so with another girl’s experience in a forum. In 15 mins I’ll be going to the reception. My patience doesn’t last too long and if this takes hours, I don’t want to miss my dinner engagement.
Five mins more. The chairs are packed. I dunno where they’ll seat me if I raise a ruckus. Hopefully I don’t have to.
So I went there and asked if it was going to take any longer. Nicely, mind you. Actually all I said was, “Miss, wala pa?” with a smile.
I explained that I wanted to be finished before 6pm since I had a dinner thing. I don’t know why, I swear I was all but mean to her, but she looked scared nonetheless, as well as the Korean guy ‘manager’ standing next to her. She sorta whined that she had already informed Jacky that I had arrived. I nodded and while I asked her the difference between the two pkgs, I noticed the Korean guy signalling to Jacky and he stopped what he was doing , went to me and assisted me right away. I was kinda embarrassed about that coz truthfully, I wouldn’t have minded waiting since I allotted the whole afternoon for this, so I can wait a bit more just as long as I was done before 6pm. I finally decided to get the P5,000 one since its for colored hair (the P3,000 is for virgin, uncoloured, unrelaxed/rebounded etc hair) and its milder.
Now at 2:40pm, my hair’s being treated with the hot oil they have.
I didn’t want a haircut at first when Jacky suggested a trim and he correctly guessed that I didn’t want to have my hair shorter than it already is for the perm. So he said all he was just going to do is to thin my hair for the perm so it wont look “buhaghag” and too volumized afterwards, which I agreed to.
Before my curls were done I showed Jacky what kind I wanted, see pic below.
He informed me that that was done by curling iron and that he’ll make a similar one for me. He also asked me if I had relaxed or rebounded my hair in the last 3 yrs. I told him I did probably like 2 years ago. He said that if that is so, there’s a possibility that the bottom ends of my hair wont curl. I just told him to go ahead with it and he said we’ll see when its finished. I doubted that my hair wont curl since my hair’s all wavy now (w/c is the natural form of my hair), no signs of it being relaxed and my hair’s always been a good follower hehe.
He also informed me that my curls were to be done from the top of my ear level down. I wanted to have it from my chin down coz I was nervous that my curls would make my face bigger than it already is. He said the ear level is better since my hair is not that long yet and if we did what I wanted, I would end up with one curl on some of my hair so there you go, we went with everything that he said. I just love stylists who have their own opinions and know what would look good on you, as its pretty apparent that we the customers usually don’t really know what works best for us.
There were waiting times in between as Jacky also had these other clients. I noticed that from the time I arrived he had clients non-stop and usually handled 3 clients at one time, juggling them. I thought that maybe he is that good. From the time I arrived till I left the place was always packed, with people waiting in line at the couches and also people standing outside, looking in on the salon, I really don’t know why. It looked like they were watching a huge tv screen and the show was all the action inside the salon.

After countless hours in their horrid chair, I was finally done. Jacky showed me how to blowdry my hair so it would look great each morning and gave me some more tips. Do not wet hair for 2 days (gasp!). To my surprise – and probably his too. Kidding! – my hair looked great! It was exactly what I wanted and I was so happy he was able to give it to me. He said that my curls actually looked great and I said that I liked it too. None of that small curls or those spirally curls.

All in all I was there for at least 4 hrs, max 5. All in all with the P5,000 package I had a hot oil beforehand, then haircut, then the perm, then the hair manicure. Worth your money aint it?
- The receptionist should be able to answer any question you have and be able to suggest the best thing for you, instead of withholding information (r.e. their P3,000 pkg).
- The chairs. They’re just the worst. Im the kind of person whose butt wont hurt after hours and hours of sitting but after hour two in their chair, my butt was aching so I always had to switch positions to ease the discomfort. They should have had a comfy chair ready for those inevitable clients who have to stay and sit for hours on end.
- No credit card omron. Cash only. But this is robably because their branch is still new.
- Jacky. And this makes all the difference in the world. I loved his suggestions, and he gave me what I wanted. He made all the cons worth it. FYI don’t expect that he will do everything himself. He has lots of clients so his other assistants do most of the work but he does guide them and is there for the important stuff.
You know how they say to tip 10% of your total bill? If your bill’s P5,000 are you really supposed to give up another P500? Just wondering.
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