Dial Body Wash & Hand Soap
My aunt sent this to us from the US, and initially I was just interested because of the Vanilla Honey scent but as I used it, it leaves your skin super soft and leaves you with a lingering fragrance. I am so much a fan of leaving scents subtly on your skin that I was totally hooked. For the first time in years, I look forward to not putting lotion onto my body after my bath (except my butt though. Moisturize always or hello! stretch marks.). I love smelling myself in the middle of the day and still smell the vanilla fragrance on my skin. Gives me confidence that whoever will come near me will know I smell great and not overpoweringly so. :)

Be sweet to your skin, with a cleansing wash infused with honey and scented with vanilla. More than enticing fragrance, this luxurious wash bathes your body in moisturizing yogurt protein, and rinses cleanly, to leave your skin feeling sensationally smooth and wonderfully hydrated. What could be sweeter?
*This is what Im using... Smells so freakinly good!

Treat your skin to a cleansing experience that combines the natural nourishment of yogurt protein and aloe. This creamy, delicately scented body wash moisturizes completely and rinses fully, leaving your skin delightfully fragrant and wonderfully soft to touch.